The Molly Women

Around the world, there are so many free spirits who break conventions, follow their dreams, and spread their joy in life. We call them Molly women, and they're an endless inspiration to us and others.

Three of those Molly women that we hold close to our hearts are the artist Karin Holmström, the self-love coach Louise Strömberg, and the singer/actress Elin Lanto. We took the chance to ask them some questions about life, dreams, and style.

Karin Holmström is an artist who wants to awaken the creativity in people through her painting, workshops, books, and art talks.

We love to follow the many projects you're involved in — how do you find energy for everything?
– I walk in my heart's direction and let happiness guide me. Sometimes I get into too many projects because I can have a hard time saying no, but I am practicing listening inwards and doing what feels right. Family, good relationships, and taking care of my health is also important.

What's your best advice on how to dare pursue one's dreams?
– My best advice is to start! Take small steps in your longing's direction. If you love to draw but don't have time – buy a little sketchbook to keep in your pocket and take the time on the bus to do some drawing. You can always find time for what you love and get rid of things that don't serve you.

We love your colorful, relaxed way of dressing — how did you find your style?
– I have always been fond of colors and love to look for fun, colorful patterns at vintage stores and combine that with other garments. At my most recent vernissage, someone said, that I dress like my art. Color affects my mood, and it's lovely to get a spontaneous comment on how I dress or the red lipstick that I wear every day.

Louise Strömberg is a self-love coach, yoga teacher, speaker, and author, passionate about helping people live whole-heartedly.

What's the easiest thing that anyone can do to love themselves more?
– To start spending more time with their inner self. Meaning — make it a habit to check in with yourself and your inner world. It's not as diffuse as it may sound but a healthy way of getting in touch with yourself. Examples of how to do that are calm yoga, meditation, or journaling that explores your mood and what's living inside you at this exact moment.

We love your inspiring quotes; do you have a favorite quote you come back to?
– "You can do whatever you want, but not everything." It reminds me that nothing is impossible, but my time is limited, so I need to prioritize what's important to me.

It feels like your style expresses the freedom and happiness that you so much stand for. What do exterior and style mean to you?
– Thank you! For me, the meaning of exterior and style is driven by my longing to express my personality. I see my style as an extension of my inner self, and I like the idea of how it can strengthen my emotional state. Beautiful clothes and jewelry can boost the mood!

Elin Lanto is a singer, songwriter, and actress with an incredible sense of style and fashion.

You have had a long and exciting career that has taken some turns. How do you find the courage to pursue your dreams?
– To me, there has never been any other option than to follow my dreams. I believe it's a combination of who you're born as and what possibilities life gives you. I have amazing parents who always supported my siblings and me to be fully ourselves, anyway that is, and they have constantly helped us reach where we want.

Do you ever doubt yourself, and in that case, how do you handle that?
– I rarely doubt my ability to create; from music and photos to interior and outfits. There are no rights or wrongs — it's all about taste. However, I sometimes doubt how people will receive what I've created. But after some dealing with myself, I always conclude with the ghosts in my head that it doesn't matter what other people think. If I have been truthful to who I am and to my vision, that's more than enough.

We love your style; it's edgy, bohemian, and personal. Do you have any suggestions on how to find a unique style?
– If you listen to your feelings and dare to follow them, that will show in your walk and shine. It doesn't matter what you wear if you wear it with confidence. I love when people have their unique style and go all-in with it. Style doesn't come with an expiration date, and anyone can create it.
My inspiration comes from various places such as photography, music, and films from the '60s and '70s, a cactus' exciting shape, a facade's crackled color, or an incense's specific smell. If I have found a garment in a vintage store, I love the idea that I went to that exact store at that moment, felt drawn to that garment, and then its story intertwines with my future. To be able to mix history with an unwritten, modern touch from today — that's my style!

20 years of
Odd Molly

20 years of
Odd Molly

Molly DNA: Embroidery Statement

Molly DNA: Embroidery Statement

Molly DNA: Smocking reimagined

Molly DNA: Smocking reimagined

Molly DNA: Crochet crush

Molly DNA: Crochet crush

Shop the look

Shop the look

Who is Molly?

Who is Molly?

20 years!

20 years!


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